Why be mentored ?

The first years as an entrepreneur are often the most demanding and most intense, particularly in the life sciences and health technologies (LSHT) sector. The pace is fast, pressure weighs down on the entrepreneur’s shoulders and friends and family don’t fully understand the reality the entrepreneur is facing. Only at the peak point, stuck between his vision, operations, research and financing, must the entrepreneur make decisions – sometimes quickly – that will determine the company’s long-term future, at a stage in which his experience in terms of making this type of decision is highly reduced.

Wisdom and experience at your fingertips!

BIOSUCCÈS Mentoring Network gives you the possibility of benefiting from the wisdom and wealth of experience of an established person in the life sciences and health technologies (LSHT) field. As this person went through the same steps as you, his experience can inspire you and help you attain your objectives.

Double your chances of survival!

It’s a proven fact! Data from the Fondation de l’entrepreneurship indicate that in Quebec, 73% of mentored entrepreneurs pass the five-year mark of existence as compared to 34% of unmentored entrepreneurs. The contribution made by mentors to LSGT entrepreneurs should have as equally significant an impact.

Benefits for you and for your company!

  • Foster your business competencies (develop or refine your critical acumen, creative thinking, problem-solving skills, negotiating skills, communication skills, organizational instinct and effectiveness, ability to work on a team, and resilience);
  • Break the isolation, find support, a receptive ear, motivation and necessary encouragement;
  • Reduce stress and strike a better work-life balance.

The mentoring service, offered by BIOSUCCÈS, for entrepreneurs active in LSHT is:

  • Accessible, regardless of the size of your company;
  • Available for all of Quebec;
  • Offered by experienced business people, who also followed specific mentoring training with Réseau M of the Fondation de l’entrepreneurship;
  • Strictly confidential;
  • Offered within a structured network, which complies with rules of ethics and applies proven operating methods.
  • Affordable, with a membership fee of only $ 250 / year.

Becoming a mentee